}else body.removeAttr("style");*/
/* google analytics */
/* تنظیمات پاپ آپ ها */
mw.loader.using( [ 'ext.popups' ], function() { // wait for popups to be loaded
// Time to wait in ms before showing a popup on hover. Default is 500.
mw.popups.render.POPUP_DELAY = 500;
// Time to wait in ms before closing a popup on de-hover. Default is 300.
mw.popups.render.POPUP_CLOSE_DELAY = 300;
// Time to wait in ms before starting the API queries on hover, must be <= POPUP_DELAY. Default is 50.
// Don't change this unless you know what you're doing.
mw.popups.render.API_DELAY = 50;